Spreadsheet - Others
- Top Bar
- Name
- Star
- Move
- Chat: Lasts only as long as at least one person in the chat ahs the document open
- Share
- Menu
- File
- New
- Open (Ctrl + O)
- Import
- Version history
- Name current version
- See version history
- Settings
- Publish to web
- Link
- Entire Document
- Web Page, CSV, TSV, PDF
- Embed
- Publish/Published
- Published content & settings
- Edit
- View
- Freeze: Fixed the position
- No rows
- 1 row
- 2 rows
- No columns
- 1 column
- 2 columns
- Trick
- Drag and Drop the thick line on Worksheet where it shows hand symbol
- Insert
- Chart
- Image
- Drawing
- Form
- Function
- Link
- Checkbox
- Comment: Visible to others, Can be "Resolved" to remove and send to archives
- Note (Shift + F2): Add a note to a Cell, Not visible to others
- Format
- Number
- Accounting
- Financial
- Currency
- Conditional formatting
- Single color
- Apply to range
- Format cells if
- Format style
- Color scale
- Tricks
- Highlight cell => Select only that column
- Highlight row based on a column => Select all rows & columns
- Data
- Tools
- Extensions
- Toolbar
- Format as Percent
- Decrease decimal places
- Increase decimal places
- Font => Default is
, Others are Consolas
, Sorts Mill Goudy
- Font size
- Bold (Ctrl + B)
- Italic (Ctrl + I)
- Strikethrough (Alt + Shift + 5)
- Text color
- Fill color
- Borders
- Merge cells
- Horizontal align
- Generally, Numbers are aligned to Right & Text are aligned to Left
- Vertical align
- Text wrapping
- Insert link (Ctrl + K)
- Insert comment (Ctrl + Alt + M)
- Insert chart
- Chart type
- Column chart
- Bar chart
- Tricks
- To make a particular cell bar of different color, make a grouped bar chart with stacking to 100%
- Stacked bar chart
- 100% stacked bar chart
- Pie chart
- Customize
- Pie chart
- Doughnut hole
- Slice label
- Doughnut chart
- 3D pie chart
- Histogram chart
- Customize
- Histogram
- Bucket size
- Outlier percentile
- Horizontal axis
- Line chart
- Customize
- Chart style
- Series
- Horizontal axis
- Vertical axis
- Tricks
- Select 2 columns to get a single line
- Smooth line chart
- Timeline chart
- Scatter chart
- Tricks
- Put legend in place where it is in direction of the chart
- Create a filter
- Filter views
- Functions
- Worksheet
- Formula Bar
- Rows & Columns Bar
- Click on number/letter to select entire row/column
- Snap-to-fit => Double click on edge of a row/column or selection of multiple rows/column
- Move entire row/column by selecting all and dragging and dropping
- Drop-Down
- Cut
- Copy
- Paste
- Sort sheet A → Z
- Trick: Sort a column w.r.t previous column by sorting the latter column first
- Sort sheet Z → A
- Cells
- Right-Click
- Cut
- Copy
- Paste
- Paste special
- Paste transposed: Flips from rows to columns and vice versa
- Insert row
- Insert comment
- Insert note
- Paste formatting => Appears after you paste something
- Paste values only
- Paste format only
- Tricks
- Use Tab & Enter to move to next cell after entering data
- Select
Ctrl + Space
=> Select column till end of data (entire row empty)
Shift + Space
=> Select row till end of data (entire column empty)
Shift + Ctrl + Space
=> Select entire data
Shift + Arrows
=> Expand selection
- Tabs
- Add Sheet
- All Sheets
- Summary
- Spreadsheet (Workbook) > Pages (Worksheets/Sheets) > Rows & Columns > Cells
- Data Types
- Number: 1234
- Proportion: 0.12
- Percentage: 12.00%
- Decimal: 1.23
- Date: 7/17/2019
- Time: 10:31:44
- Text: Lorem Ipsum
- Links: http://loremipsum.com
- Formulas
- Web Images:
- Can also insert Local Images (Floating), not attached with cell
- Web Data:
- Call in google finance data, Today's stock price for google
- Tidy Data
- Columns represents Variables & Rows represents observations
- Try to represent observations in binary format
- Put repeated data into a separate table
- Cell References
- Relative
- Absolute
is used
or C$R
or $C$R
- Functions/Formula
=> Count numbers of numerical values
=> Count numbers of values
=> Sum
=> Sum of 2 complex number
=> Mean
- Rept Charts: Repeat given symbol specified number of times
- Sparkline: Gives miniature chart within a single cell
=sparkline(C1R1:C2R2, {"ymin", 0})
=> Minimum value starts from "0"
=sparkline(C1R1:C2R2, {"charttype", "winloss"})
=> Used for binary data
=sparkline(CR, {"charttype", "bar"; "max", MAX(C1R1:C2R2)})
=> Used for single data representation
=sparkline(C1R1:C2R2, {"color", "#FFFFFF"; "linewidth", 2})
- Text
=> Length of text
=FIND(" ", CR)
=> Index of location of given value in text
=> Select text from left till "N" characters
=> Select text from right till "N" characters
=> Trim blank spaces
=> Get first name
=> Get second name
- Text with Numbers
=C1R1 & " " & C2R2
=> Combine both cells content
=JOIN(" ", C1R1, C2R2)
=> Join given cells with the separator provided
- Conditional Formatting
- Tricks
- `Ctrl + `` => Shows formula in the cell
=> Open a blank sheet document directly through the browser
- Data Entry
- Navigation => Enter key to move below/ tab key to move right/ Alt + enter to move directly below
- To delete the entry in a cell => Press delete key
- To remove the modification you are making but not completed => Press esc key
- To edit a entry in a cell => Click on the required cell > Use formula bar/ Double click on the cell/ Press F2 key
- To change width of Rows and Column => Find thin cross on Rows & Column bar > Drag to required length
- Fill Handle
- To copy or continue a series of dates/ day/ month => Bring thin cross > Click and drag/ double click
- Select the autofill option at the bottom of series to change type of series
- Select two cell in a row and use fill handle to copy its pattern
- Use Flash fill option to use smart fill feature