Spring Boot - Java
- Microservices Architecture
- Spring Boot
- Provides RAD (Rapid App Development), Maven based
- Project Structure
- This annotation serves the purpose of
=> Used to declare a class as component class
- Normally placed in class having main
- Attempts to automatically configure app based on jar dependencies present in the class path, maybe by reading the
- Used to scan the stereotype annotations in the current package and child package, where the primary configuration class is present
- Deploy app using
- Run primary configuration having main class => Run java project
- Run using Spring Boot Maven Run
- Goal = clean install spring-boot:run
- Run jar file created by the end of maven build (clean install) using
- For Spring Rest & Spring JPA based boot application
- Config
artifact in pom.xml
- Configure Jetty Container as Default
- Version Tomcat 8, Servelet 3.1, Java 7+
- Configure jetty server in pom.xml as dependency
- URLs will not be exposed in the console log
- Content Negotiation
- Decide upon the MIME type/Content type of that content that is being send back to client from server
- Strategies
- URL extension based
- URL parameter based
- Accptence header based
- Steps
- Create custom COntentNegotiationManager by following a strategy and override existing
- Link to primary configuration
- Let the handlers of RestController produces multiple MIME type/Content type
- Spring Boot REST Validations
- Hibernate bean validation APIprovides set of constraints to validate data before any persistance operation
- Configure
in order to make validation messages independent of the messages
- Spring Boot Profiles
- Used for selective loading of the application components baed on the type of environement
needs to be marked with @Profile
annotation for selective loading
- Use spring boot auto configured loaggig
static private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("")
- This class is loaded only when profile is active
- Can be activated using
file, by adding spring.profiles.active=p1, p2,...
- Command line:
clean install spring-boot:run spring.profiles.active=p1,p2...
annotation [this way is possible only for test cases]
clean install spring-boot:run -Dspring.profiles.active=prod_profile
clean install spring-boot:run -Dspring.profiles.active=test_profile
SpringApplication.setAdditional Profiles(...)
in primary configuration by making use of ConfigurableEnvironment
=> Profile specific files
- Customize Embedded Servlet Container
- Project should have following 2 deplouments, should also exist in parallel
- Deployment is testing environment where it should not hit database/Map based CRUD and DB layer should not be loaded
- Deployment is production environment where it should hit database/Map based CRUD
- All the customizer should implement
- All customizer should be spring componenet
- Override the method
- Spring Boot Runners
- Used to perform any task just after all the beans and ApplicationContext are created in SpringBoot application
- Types of interfaces
Application Runner [public void run(ApplicationArguments arg0) throws Exception]
CommandLineRunner [public void run(String... args)]
- In order to create runners following steps need to be followed
- Create a Class implementing any of the required interface
- Override the run() method
- Register the class as a Spring Component by using any of the stereotype annotations
annotion is used to change the order of execution if multiple runners
- Layers to be tested & Technology to be used
- Service Layer => Junit, Spring Testing Framework
- Controller Layer Integration Test => Junit, SpringMockMVCTest framework
- Controller Layer Unit Test => Junit, Mockito, Spring MockMVCTest framework
- YAML (Ain't Markup Language) Configuration
- Human readable data serializition luanguage used to configure files
- Can replace application.properties by application.yml
used to load the custom file, but can't open .yml files
- YEdit pludin needs to be installed
works with .yml and .properties both
- Deploy Spring Boot App on External Server => Packaging the app as war
- Provide implementation for SpringBootServeletIntializer, which contins configure() method
- Change packaging to war in pom.xml
- Scope of embedded container is set to "provided", as it should not become part of packaged artifact
- Code
<role rolename="manager-gui"/>
<user username="tomcat" password="secret" roles="manager-gui"/>
- Spring Boot REST Client
- RestTemplate Methods
, postForObject
, put
, delete
- Steps
- Go to OD > tomcat > bin > Run Catalina.bat
- Paste this code in notepad
<role rolename="manager-gui"/> <user username="tomcat" password="secret" roles="manager-gui"/>
- Go to conf > Open CMD > Run Catalina run > Open URL
- Username = tomcat
- Password = secret
- Manage Project > Upload WAR file
- Bean Lifecycle methods
- Configure the init method and destroy method in bean definition
<bean id="helloBean" class="com.accenture.lkm.bean.HelloBean" init-method="init" destroy-method="destroy"/>
- Bean class is implementing InitializingBean, DisposableBean and overriding
- afterPropertiesSet, destroy
- Lifecycle annotation
- Annotate your bean's methods with @PostConstruct and @PreDestroy
- Config file
<bean class="org.springframework.context.annotation.CommonAnnotationBeanPostProcessor"/>
- GlobalBean - init and destroy
- WelcomeBean - init1 and destroy1(configured same as approach 1)
- HelloBean - init2 and destroy2(configured same as approach 1)
- GlobalBean bean definition is done, default-init-method="init" default-destroy-method="destroy"
- A class is created by implementing BeanPostProcessor and overriding
- postProcessBeforeInitialization
- postProcessAfterInitialization
- This bean should be configured in xml file
- A class is created by implementing BeanFactoryPostProcessor and overriding postProcessBeanFactory
- This bean should be configured in xml file
- Externalizing the properties and reading them from xml file itself
- Working with environment specific properties file