Network Security - Information Security


  • It is a set of rules and configurations designed to protect the integrity, confidentiality and accessibility of computer networks and data using both software and hardware technologies
  • Network Security Model
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    • M represents original data & E represents cipher data
    • Information channel
      • Medium of data propagation from sender to receiver
      • Most vulnerable for attack
    • Trusted Third Party (TTP) sources distribute the keys to sender and receiver
  • Network Security Controls
    • Physical
      • Designed to prevent unauthorized personnel from gaining physical access to network components such as routers, cabling cupboards and so on
    • Technical
      • Protect data that is stored on the network or which is in transit across, into or out of the network
    • Administrative
      • Consist of security policies and processes that control user behavior, including how users are authenticated, their level of access and also how IT staff members implement changes to the infrastructure
  • Digital Signature (DS)
    • DS Generation Algorithm takes private key and message at senders side and generates signature
    • DS Verification Algorithm takes public key of senders to verify and decrypt


  • Firewall consists of software and hardware set up between an internal computer network and the Internet
  • Computer network manager sets up the rules for the firewall to filter out unwanted intrusions
  • Types
    • Packet Filtering
      • Set of rules based on Source address (SA), Destination address (DA), Port number, Protocols
      • If rule matched then forward or discard
      • Default action is generally to discard if it does not matches any of the rules
      • Data/Payload is not checked
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    • Application-level Gateway (Proxy Server)
      • More secure
      • Processing overload
      • Checks data/payload
      • Host thinks that it is making a request to internet but in reality it is making a request to proxy and internet thinks that it is talking to host but in reality it is talking to proxy
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  • Traffic Filtering
    • Traffic-filtering Rules
      • Determines the manner in which the incoming and outgoing traffic flows in the network will be regulated
      • Set of traffic-filtering rules can be adopted as an independent packet filtering policy or as a part of the information security policy
    • Traffic-filtering technology
      • That will be implemented depending on the requirements and needs
    • Implement defined rules
      • On the selected technology and optimize the performance of devices accordingly
    • Maintain all the components of the solution
      • Including not only devices, but also the policy

Intrusion Detection System (IDS)

  • Monitoring the operation of computer systems or networks and analyzing the processes they perform, which can point to certain incidents
  • Incidents are events posing a threat to or violating defined security policies, violating AUP (Acceptable Use Policy) rules, or generally accepted security norms
  • They appear as a result of the operation of various malware programmes, as a result of attempts at unauthorized access to a system through public infrastructure (Internet), or as a result of the operation of authorized system users who abuse their privileges
  • Network Intrusion Prevention (IP)
    • Detecting network intrusion events, but also includes the process of preventing and blocking detected or potential network incidents
  • IDP (Intrusion Detection and Prevention)
    • Identifying potential incidents, logging information about them, attempting to prevent them and alerting the administrators responsible for security
    • Identify problems concerning the adopted security policies, to document existing security threats and to discourage individuals from violating security rules
  • Intruder Types
    • Outside (Masquerader)
      • Person not having authorization
    • Inside (Misfeasor)
      • Person having authorization
  • Stateful Protocol Analysis
    • Stateful protocol analysis is a process of comparing predefined operation profiles with the specific data flow of that protocol on the network
    • Predefined profiles of operation of a protocol are defined by the manufacturers of IDP devices and they identify everything that is acceptable or not acceptable in the exchange of messages in a protocol
    • Unlike anomaly-based detection, where profiles are created based on the hosts or specific activities on the network, stateful protocol analysis uses general profiles generated by the equipment manufacturers
    • Testing tools are used for testing the detection, recognition and response capabilities of devices tha perform packet filtering (including those that use network address translation), such as firewalls, idses/ipses, routers and switches
    • These test the traffic filtering devices ability to detect and/or block dos attacks, spyware, backdoors, and attacks against applications such as IIS, SQL server and WINS
    • Standard traffic sessions can be used to test how packet filtering devices handle a variety of protocols including HTTP, FTP, SNMP and SMTP
  • Detection Methods
    • Signature-based Detection
      • The behavior of an already detected security threat, described in a form that can be used for the detection of any subsequent appearance of the same threat, is called an attack signature
      • Process of comparing the known forms in which the threat has appeared with the specific network traffic in order to identify certain incidents
      • Extremely inefficient in the detection of completely unknown threats, of threats hidden by using various techniques, and of already known threats that have somehow been modified in the meantime
    • Anomaly-based Detection
      • This method of IDP is based on detecting anomalies/deviation in a specific traffic flow in the network
      • Anomaly detection is performed, based on the defined profile of acceptable traffic and its comparison with the specific traffic in the network
      • Acceptable traffic profiles are formed by tracking the typical characteristics of the traffic in the network during a certain period of time
      • The greatest advantage of this detection method is its exceptional efficiency in detecting previously unknown security threats
  • Categories of IDS
    • Host-based IDS (HIDS)
      • Host-based IDSs are designed to monitor, detect and respond to activity and attacks on a given host
      • Takes snapshot of existing system vs previous system
      • Detects Files deleted or modified
      • Because attackers mainly focus on operating system vulnerabilities to break into hosts, in most cases, the host-based IDS is integrated into the operating systems that the host is running
    • Network-based IDS (NIDS)
      • Network traffic based IDSs capture network traffic to detect intruders
      • Matches traffic to the library of known attacks
      • Monitors, Capture and Analyze network traffic
      • Detects malicious data present into packets
      • NIDS analysis is very difficult in busy network
      • An agent is an autonomous or semi-autonomous piece of software that runs in the background and performs useful tasks for another
      • Relative to IDSs, an agent is generally a piece of software that senses intrusions locally and reports attack information to central analysis servers
  • Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)
    • An IPS is a network security tool that can not only detect intruders, but also prevent them from successfully launching any known attack
    • Intrusion prevention systems combine the abilities of firewalls and intrusion detection systems
    • An active response device dynamically reconfigures or alters network or system access controls, session streams or individual packets based on triggers from packet inspection and other detection devices
    • Active response happens after the event has occurred; thus, a single packet attack will be successful on the first attempt but will be blocked in future attempts; for example, a DDoS attack will be successful on the first packets but will be blocked afterwards
    • While active response devices are beneficial, this one aspect makes them unsuitable as an overall solution
    • Network intrusion prevention devices, on the other hand, are typically inline devices on the network that inspect packets and make decisions before forwarding them on to the destination
  • Intrusion Prevention Technologies
    • System Memory and Process Protection
      • This type of intrusion prevention strategy resides at the system level
      • Memory protection consists of a mechanism to prevent a process from corrupting the memory of another process running on the same system
      • Process protection consists of a mechanism for monitoring process execution, with the ability to kill processes that are suspected of being attacks
    • Inline Network Devices
      • This type of intrusion prevention strategy places a network device directly in the path of network communications with the capability to modify and block attack packets as they traverse the device’s interfaces
      • It acts much like a router or firewall combined with the signature-matching capabilities of IDS. The detection and response happens in real time before the packet is passed on to the destination network
    • Session Sniping
      • This type of intrusion prevention strategy terminates a TCP session by sending a TCP RST packet to both ends of the connection
      • When an attempted attack is detected, the TCP RST is sent and the attempted exploit is flushed from the buffers and thus prevented
      • Note that the TCP RST packets must have the correct sequence and acknowledgement numbers to be effective
    • Gateway Interaction Devices
      • This type of intrusion prevention strategy allows a detection device to dynamically interact with network gateway devices such as routers or firewalls
      • When an attempted attack is detected, the detection device can direct the router or firewall to block the attack
  • Risks with IDS
    • Recurring issue of false positives in today’s intrusion detection systems
      • Legitimate traffic displaying characteristics similar to malicious traffic
    • Attackers who discover or suspect the use of intrusion prevention methods can purposely create a DoS attack against legitimate networks and sources by sending attacks with spoofed source IP addresses
    • Gateway interaction timing and race conditions
      • Detection device directs a router or firewall to block the attempted attack, However, because of network latency, the attack has already passed the gateway device before it receives this direction from the detection device