Network attack is usually defined as an intrusion on the network infrastructure that will first analyze the environment and collect information in order to exploit the existing open ports or vulnerabilities
Example => X.800, RFC 2828
Release of message content
Monitors the data, Does not affects the system, Cannot be easily detected, Focus on Prevention
Confidentiality is not followed
Traffic analysis
Analysis traffic, Origin/Destination of data, Packet size
Modifies the data, Affects the system, Can be easily detected, Focus on Detection
Stealing authorization and then accessing resources on behalf of original user
Reading, Modifying, Inducing error bits in the original data
Integrity is also not followed
Denial of Service
Service is congested by continuous sending of useless data to the server
Availability is also not followed
Types of Security Attacks
Brute Force
Trail & Error to find the key used for decryption generally using Bots
Captcha is used to differentiate between human and bot
It is a technique used to masquerade a person, program or an address as another by falsifying the data with purpose of unauthorized
IP Address Spoofing
Process of creating IP packets with forged source IP address to impersonate legitimate system
This kind of spoofing is often used in DoS attacks (Smurf Attack)
ARP Spoofing (ARP Poisoning)
Process of sending fake ARP messages in the network
The purpose of this spoofing is to associate the MAC address with the IP address of another legitimate host causing traffic redirection to the attacker host
This kind of spoofing is often used in man-in-the-middle attacks
DNS Spoofing (DNS Cache Poisoning)
An attack where the wrong data is inserted into DNS Server cache, causing the DNS server to divert the traffic by returning wrong IP addresses as results for client queries
Email Spoofing
A process of faking the email's sender "from" field in order to hide real origin of the email
This type of spoofing is often used in spam mail or during phishing attack
Search engine poisoning
Attackers take advantage of high profile news items or popular events that may be of specific interest for certain group of people to spread malware and viruses
Denial of Service Attack (DoS Attack)
An attack designed to cause an interruption or suspension of services of a specific host/server by flooding it with large quantities of useless traffic or external communication requests
Distributed Denial of Service Attack (DDoS Attack)
Occurs where multiple compromised or infected systems (botnet) flood a particular host with traffic simultaneously
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
XSS is a term used to describe a class of attacks that allow an attacker to inject client-side scripts through the website into the browsers of other users
SQL Injection
SQL injection vulnerabilities enable malicious users to execute arbitrary SQL code on a database, allowing data to be accessed, modified, or deleted irrespective of the user's permissions
Network sniffing (Packet Sniffing)
A process of capturing the data packets traveling in the network
This may include unauthorized access to organization resources
Bluetooth related attack
Social engineering
ICMP flood attack (Ping Flood)
Ping of Death (PoD)
Smurf attack
Buffer overflow
Session hijacking
Spear phishing
Watering hole
Port scanning
Types of Malware
Virus is a malicious program able to inject its code into other programs/ applications or data files and the targeted areas become "infected"
Installation of a virus is done without user's consent, and spreads in form of executable code transferred from one host to another
Types of viruses
Resident virus
Non-resident virus
Boot sector virus
Macro virus
File-infecting virus (file-infector)
Polymorphic virus
Metamorphic virus
Stealth virus
Companion virus
Cavity virus
Worm is a malicious program category, exploiting operating system vulnerabilities to spread itself
Unlike the viruses though worms can reproduce/ duplicate and spread by itself
Email worms
Internet worms
Network worms
Multi-vector worms
Trojans are a type of malware software that masquerades itself as a not-malicious even useful application but it will actually do damage to the host computer after its installation
Unlike virus, Trojans do not self-replicate unless end user intervene to install
Malware refers to software viruses, spyware, adware, worms, Trojans, ransomeware
They are designed to cause damage to a targeted computer or cause a certain degree of operational disruption
Rootkit are malicious software designed to hide certain processes or programs from detection
Usually acquires and maintains privileged system access while hiding its presence in the same time
It acts as a conduit by providing the attacker with a backdoor to a system
A software that monitors and collects information about a particular user, computer or organization without user’s knowledge
A term used to describe potentially dangerous software whose installation may pose a risk to the computer
Software generating or displaying certain advertisements to the user
This kind of adware is very common for freeware and shareware software and can analyze end user internet habits and then tailor the advertisements directly to users interests
A term used to describe activities like spying others through webcams (very often combined with capturing pictures), tracking online activities of others and listening to conversation over the computer's microphone and stealing passwords and other data
Blended threat
Blended threat defines an exploit that combines elements of multiple types of malware components
Usage of multiple attack vectors and payload types targets to increase the severity of the damage causes and as well the speed of spreading
Security Mechanism
Hiding the actual data so that attacker cannot understand it
Digital Signature
Sender adds private key with data to encrypt and receiver adds public key to decrypt
Access Control
The control of access to system resources after a user’s account credentials and identity have been authenticated and access to the system has been granted
Access control is used to identify a subject (user/human) and to authorize the subject to access an object (data/resource) based on the required task
Logical access control models are the abstract foundations upon which actual access control mechanisms and systems are built
Authentication Exchange
Identifying valid user using authentication
Traffic Padding
Prevention from Traffic analysis by randomly dumping packets
Routing Control
Continuously changing path to confuse Hacker
Security Service
Checking if user is the valid user
Using Passwords, OTP, Pins
Checking if user is authorized to access the resource
Using access control
Protection against denial by one of the parties in a communication