Introduction - H T M L
- Basic
<!-- -->
=> Multi-line Comment
=> Single-line Comment
=> Declaration for HTML5
<html lang = en/en-US>
=> Declare language to help browser
<base src = url>
=> Specifies the base URL and/or target for all relative URLs in a page
<base target = "">
<tag id = "">
=> Can not have more than one element with the same id
<tag class = "">
- Head
=> Contains Metadata (data about data)
=> Defines the title of the document
<meta charset = UTF-8>
=> Define the character set used
<meta name = viewport>
=> Define keywords for search engines/description of your web page/author of a page
<meta content = HTML, CSS, JavaScript/30/width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0/abc>
<meta http-equiv = refresh>
=> Refresh document every "x" second if content = x
<meta name = "color-scheme" content = "dark light"
=> Can write here instead of CSS
=> For internal CSS, Used inside head
<link rel = stylesheet>
<link href = fileName.css>
<link media = print/all/screen/speech/screen and (min-width:500px)/screen and (max-height:700px) >
<link type = text/css>
- JavaScript
=> For internal JS, Used at the end of body, Caches the file if not changed
<script src = fileName.js>
<script src = fileName.js defer>
=> External JS file loads after HTML and CSS
=> Display content if js is not supported
- Entities, Symbols, Emoji
=> <
=> >
< >
=> space
=> &
=> ©
=> ®
=> A
=> 😀
- Theory
<Tag Attribute = "Value"> Content </Tag>
=> Element
- Empty element => Does not have closing tag =>
<tag attribute=" " />
- Not case sensitive, Value can be under Double quote/Single quote/No quote
- Block level & Inline level
- Semantic & Generic
- Page Layout
- Header => Navigation
- Main => Section, Article, Aside
- Footer
- SEO => On Page, Off Page
- Nice and To the point Title
- Set Meta description
- Set a nice URL Slug
- Set a Favicon
- Compress Image & Resources
- MultiMedia
- .mpg/.mpeg/.avi/.wmv/.mov/.rm/.ram/.swf/.flv/.ogg/.webm/.mp4
- Object => Defines a container for an external resource
<object data="video.mp4" width="400" height="300"></object>
- VS Code Tricks
=> Gives basic Boiler plate
=> Writes "N" words
- DOM Events
onclick = "functionName()"
=> When element is clicked by LMB
onmouseenter = "functionName()"
=> When element is clicked by LMB