Hyperlinks - H T M L
- HyperLinks
<a href = "URL">
=> Unvisited/Visited/Active link
<a href = "mailto:emailId">
<a href = "tel:phoneNo">
<a href = "#idValue">
=> Linking one part of website to another
<a href = "URL" target = "_self/_blank/_parent/_top">
<a href = "URL" title = "value">
=> Tooltip when mouse hovers over link
<a href = "URL" alt = "value">
=> Alternate text shown when image is not leaded
<a href = "URL" download>
=> Downloads file instead of navigating
<a href = "URL" download = "value">
=> New name of file after its downloaded
- Images
- Basic
- Low quality images should be shown in low resolution screen to load images faster
- Art direction problem => Showing cropped images in small screen size devices
- Device pixel ratio (DPR) = Physical pixel/Logical pixels
<img src = "url/imgPath">
=> Image with Absolute and Relative path
<img src = "url" alt = "val">
=> Alternate text to be displayed if image is not loaded
<img src = "url" height = "val" width = "val">
=> In pixels by default
<img src = "url" srcset = "url1 1x, url2 2x">
=> Set multiple images based on DPR
<img src = "url" srcset = "url1 400w, url2 600w" sizes="sizes="(max-width: 400px) 400px, (max-width: 600px) 600px, 800px>
=> Set multiple images based on screen size
<map name = "val">
=> To select different part of image
<area shape = "rect/circle/poly/default">
=> Make different shapes to select
=> To use different images based on screen size/format/bandwidth
<source media = "(min-width: 67px)">
- Video
<video width/height = "val">
<video src = "val">
<video controls>
=> Adds control buttons on video
<video autoplay>
<video loop>
<video muted>
<video type = "val">
- Audio
<audio controls>
- .mid/.midi/.rm/.ram/.wma/.aac/.wav/.ogg/.mp3/.mp4
<audio preload = "metadata">
<source src = "val">
- IFrame
<iframe src = "url">
=> Embed another document within the current HTML document
<iframe title = "val">
<iframe height/width = "val">
<iframe allow = "autoplay">
<iframe name = "val">
=> Target attribute of link must refer to name attribute of the iframe