Formatting - H T M L
- Basic
=> Paragraph
=> Displays content inside it in the same format
=> Bold
=> Italics
=> Strike-through
=> Underline text
=> Superscript
=> Subscript
=> Inline element
=> Block level element
<div draggable = true/false>
=> Allow or not to be able to Drag
<bdo dir = rtl>
=> Changes the direction of text
<abbr title = "val">
=> Shows abbreviation tooltip when you hover over text
=> Used to mark a term that is being defined within the current sentence, Used with <abbr>
=> Shows monospace output of texts
=> Used to show keyboard keys
=> Horizontal line
=> Break Line
- Semantic Tags
=> Heading
=> Bold, Displays content with importance
=> Defines a header for a document or a section
=> Defines a set of navigation links
=> Defines a section in a document
=> Defines an independent, self-contained content
=> Defines content aside from the content, Sidebar
=> Defines a footer for a document or a section
=> Inside this will be summary and p tag
=> When you click on this text, It expands showing the following paragraph text
=> Specifies self-contained content, like illustrations, diagrams, photos, etc
=> Defines a caption for a <figure>
=> By default highlights text by yellow color
- Quotations
<blockquote cite = "scheme://prefix.domain:port/path/filename">
=> Section that is quoted from another source
=> To highlight by the writer, Default color is yellow, Used to highlight when searching
=> Insert quotation marks around the quotation
<abbr title = "val">
=> To give abbreviation or an acronym to a word
=> Defines the contact information for the author/owner
=> Defines the title of a creative work usually in italic
<time datetime = "2022--1-14">
=> For search engines
- Computer Code Element
=> For mathematical code
=> Content inside is displayed in the browser's default monospace font
=> For writing variables