Adobe Photoshop - Graphic Design
- File
- Close all
- Export
- Place Embedded
- Edit
- Fill
- alt + shift + ctrl + C => Content Aware Scale
- ctrl + T => Free Transform
- alt + Drag => To transform all corners
- shift + Drag => Keeps aspect ratio same
- Transform => Scale, Rotate, Skew, Distort, Perspective
- Sky Replacement
- Define Pattern
- Image
- Adjustments
- Auto Tone/Contrast/Color
- Image Size
- Layer
- Create Clipping Mask => Inserts above layer on below layer
- Select
- Sky
- Modify => Contract
- Save Selection
- Filter
- View
- Show => Smart Guides
- New Guide Layout => Shows Lines for Proper Layout
- Window
Option Bar
- ctrl + alt + D => Feather
- To smooth the edges when moving to another picture
- Move Tool (V)
- Marquee Tool (M)
- Rectangular, Elliptical, Single row, Single Column
- Lasso Tool
- Selection Tool
- Object, Quick, Magic Wand
- Crop Tool
- Spot Healing Brush Tool
- Type Tool (T)
- Path Selection Tool
- Rectangular Tool
- Rectangle, Rounded rectangle, Ellipse, Triangle, Polygon
- Hand Tool (H)
- History
- Properties
- Adjustments
- Levels
- Vibrance
- Hue/Saturation
- Library
- Layers
- Add a Layer Style
- Stroke
- Color Overlay
- Gradient Overlay
- Drop Shadow
- Add a Layer Mask => Create a layer of selected part
- Adjustment Layer
- Solid Color
- Gradient
- Pattern
- Create a new Group
- Create new layer
- Tricks
- ctrl + shift + E => Combine layer
- ctrl + U
- ctrl + J => Create a Copy
- ctrl + G => Group selected layers
- ctrl + shift + alt + E => Make a combined Duplicate layers of all the visible layer
- Right Click
- Convert to Smart Object
- Rasterize Layer
- Channels
- Paths
Status Bar
- Photo Taking
- Use Grid option for better Framing and Clean your Equipment for maximum Sharpness
- Try to apply the Rule of thirds => Place the Object at the intersection of grid lines, on side, Instead of middle
- Don't cut the object/subject
- Look for patters or symmetry, pattern light creates from different angles
- Cover your lens with cloths around it, making it darker to avoid reflections when clicking through glass windows
- ctrl
- alt + scroll => Zoom in/out
- [ / ] => To change brush size
- ctrl + shift + I => Reverse Selection
- 5 => Transparent