It is a high level data model based on a perception of a real world that consists of a collection of basic objects, called entities and of relationships among these objects
Graphical representation of ER Model is ER diagram, which acts as a blueprint of DB
An Entity is a “thing” or “object” in the real world that is distinguishable from all other objects
It has physical existence
Entity can be uniquely identified (By a primary attribute, aka Primary Key)
Strong Entity
Can be uniquely identified
Represented by Square
Weak Entity
Can’t be uniquely identified, Depends on some other strong entity
It doesn’t have sufficient attributes, to select a uniquely identifiable attribute
Weak entity depends on strong entity for existence
Represented by Double Square
Entity set
It is a set of entities of the same type that share the same properties, or attributes
An entity is represented by a set of attributes
Each entity has a value for each of its attributes
For each attribute, there is a set of permitted values, called the domain/value set
Represented by Eclipse
Types of Attributes
Attributes which can’t be divided further
Can be divided into subparts (that is, other attributes)
If user wants to refer to an entire attribute or to only a component of the attribute
Only one value attribute
Represented by Single Eclipse
Attribute having more than one value
Limit constraint may be applied, upper or lower limits
Represented by Double Eclipse
Value of this type of attribute can be derived from the value of other related attributes
Represented by Dotted Eclipse
NULL Value
An attribute takes a null value when an entity does not have a value for it
It may indicate "not applicable", value doesn’t exist
Example => Person having no middle-name
It may indicate "unknown"
Unknown can indicate missing entry
Example => Name value of a customer is NULL, means it is missing as name must have some value
Not known
Which can't be derived from other Attributes
Having unique value
Represented by Circle with Underline
Required & Optimal
If the value is Required or not
Composite + Multi-valued
Association among two or more entities
Attribute of Relation is called Descriptive Attribute other than the 2 Foreign keys referencing to Primary Key of each table
Strong Relationship
Between two independent entities
Represented by Diamond
Weak Relationship
Between weak entity and its owner/strong entity
Represented by Double-Diamond
Degree of Relationship => Number of entities participating in a relationship
Unary, Only one entity participates
Example => Employee manages employee
Binary, two entities participates
Binary are common
Example => Student takes Course
Ternary relationship, three entities participates
Example => Employee works-on branch, employee works-on job
Relationships Constraints
Mapping Cardinality/Cardinality Ratio
Number of entities to which another entity can be associated via a relationship
One to One (1:1)
Entity in A associates with at most one entity in B, where A & B are entity sets. And an entity of B is associated with at most one entity of A
One Value should be taken from both Entity => Primary Key can be from any of 2
Can be Reduced to 2 Tables
One to Many (1:M)
Entity in A associated with N entity in B. While entity in B is associated with at most one entity in A
Primary Key in Relationship table will be from the "many" side
Can be merged with the "many" table
Many to One (M:1)
Entity in A associated with at most one entity in B. While entity in B can be associated with N entity in A
Primary Key will be from the "many" side
Can be merged with the "many" table
Many to Many (M:N)
Entity in A associated with N entity in B. While entity in B also associated with N entity in A
Not all entities are involved in the relationship instance
Represented by Single-line
Total Participation
Each entity must be involved in at least one relationship instance
Represented by Double-line
Weak entity has total participation constraint, but strong may not have total
Specialisation is splitting up the entity set into further sub entity sets on the basis of their functionalities, specialties and features
It is a Top-Down approach
Eg: Person entity set can be divided into customer, student, employee. Person is superclass and other specialised entity sets are subclasses
We have "is-a" relationship between superclass and subclass
Represented by triangle component
Why Specialisation?
Certain attributes may only be applicable to a few entities of the parent entity set
DB designer can show the distinctive features of the sub entities
To group such entities we apply Specialisation, to overall refine the DB blueprint
It is just a reverse of Specialisation
DB Designer, may encounter certain properties of two entities are overlapping. Designer may consider to make a new generalised entity set. That generalised entity set will be a super class.
"is-a" relationship is present between subclass and super class
Eg: Car, Jeep and Bus all have some common attributes, to avoid data repetition for the common attributes. DB designer may consider to Generalise to a new entity set "Vehicle"
It is a Bottom-up approach
Why Generalisation?
Makes DB more refined and simpler
Common attributes are not repeated
Attribute Inheritance
Both Specialisation and Generalisation, has attribute inheritance
The attributes of higher level entity sets are inherited by lower level entity sets
Eg: Customer & Employee inherit the attributes of Person
Participation Inheritance
If a parent entity set participates in a relationship then its child entity sets will also participate in that relationship
To show relationships among relationships
Abstraction is applied to treat relationships as higher-level entities. We can call it Abstract entity
Avoid redundancy by aggregating relationship as an entity set itself
Steps to make ER diagram
Requirement engineering
Identify identity sets
Identify attributes & its types
Identify relationships & its constraints (Mapping, Participation)
Relational Model
Relational Model (RM) organizes the data in the form of relations (tables)
A relational DB consists of collection of tables, each of which is assigned a unique name
Row => Represents a relationship among a set of values, and table is collection of such relationships
Tuple => A single row of the table representing a single data point / a unique record
Columns => Represents the attributes of the relation
Each attribute, there is a permitted value, called domain of the attribute
Relation Schema => Defines the design and structure of the relation, contains the name of the relation and all the columns/attributes
Eg: TableName (Column1, Column2, Column3)
Implementation (Database creation)
RDBMS is a software that implements RM
Eg: Oracle, IBM, MySQL, MS Access
Degree of table => Number of attributes/columns in a given table/relation
Cardinality => Total no. of tuples in a given relation
Relational Key => Set of attributes which can uniquely identify an each tuple
Important properties of a Table in Relational Model
The name of relation is distinct among all other relation
The values have to be atomic. Can’t be broken down further
The name of each attribute/column must be unique
Each tuple must be unique in a table
The sequence of row and column has no significance
Tables must follow integrity constraints => Helps to maintain data consistency across the tables
Relational Model Keys
Super Key (SK)
Any Permutation & Combination of attributes present in a table which can uniquely identify each tuple
Candidate Key (CK)
Minimum subset of super keys, which can uniquely identify each tuple
It contains no redundant attribute
CK value shouldn’t be NULL
Primary Key (PK)
Selected out of CK set, has the least no. of attributes
Alternate Key (AK)
All CK except PK
Foreign Key (FK)
It creates relation between two tables
FK helps to cross reference between two different relations
A relation, say r1 (Child table/Referencing relation), may include among its attributes the PK of an other relation, say r2 (Parent table/Referenced relation)
This attribute is called FK from r1 referencing r2
Composite Key
PK formed using at least 2 attributes
Compound Key
PK which is formed using 2 FK
Surrogate Key
Synthetic PK
Generated automatically by DB, usually an integer value
May be used as PK
Integrity Constraints
CRUD Operations must be done with some integrity policy so that DB is always consistent
Introduced so that we do not accidentally corrupt the DB
Domain Constraints
Restricts the value in the attribute of relation, specifies the Domain
Restrict the Data types of every attribute
Entity Constraints
Every relation should have PK & PK != NULL
Referential Constraints
Specified between two relations & helps maintain consistency among tuples of two relations
FK must have the matching PK for its each value in the parent table or it must be NULL
Insert constraint
Value can't be inserted in the child table if the value is not present in the parent table
Delete constraint
Value can't be deleted in the parent table if the value is present in the child table
On Delete Cascade
When deleting value from the parent table, delete corresponding entry from the child table
On Delete Null
When deleting value from the parent table, value of foreign key of corresponding entry from the child table becomes null
Key Constraints
NOT NULL => This constraint will restrict the user from not having a NULL value
It ensures that every element in the database has a value
UNIQUE => It helps us to ensure that all the values consisting in a column are different from each other
DEFAULT => It is used to set the default value to the column
The default value is added to the columns if no value is specified for them
CHECK => It keeps the check that integrity of data is maintained before and after the completion of the CRUD
Limits value range (Domain)
PRIMARY KEY => This is an attribute or set of attributes that can uniquely identify each entity in the entity set
The primary key must contain unique as well as not null values
FOREIGN KEY => Common attribute that defines some relationship between two entities must be the primary key of an entity set and will become the foreign key of another entity set
This key will prevent every action which can result in loss of connection between tables
Transform ER Model to Relational Model (ER-Diagram to Tables)
Strong Entity
Becomes an individual table with entity name, attributes becomes columns of the relation
Entity’s Primary Key (PK) is used as Relation’s PK
FK are added to establish relationships with other relations
Weak Entity
A table is formed with all the attributes of the entity
PK of its corresponding Strong Entity will be added as FK
PK of the relation will be a composite PK, {FK + Partial discriminator Key}
Single Values Attributes
Represented as columns directly in the tables/relations
Composite Attributes
Handled by creating a separate attribute itself in the original relation for each composite attribute
Multivalued Attributes
New tables (named as original attribute name) are created for each multivalued attribute
PK of the entity is used as column FK in the new table
Multivalued attribute’s similar name is added as a column to define multiple values
PK of the new table would be {FK + multivalued name}
Derived Attributes => Not considered in the tables
Create a table for the higher level entity set
For each lower-level entity set, create a table that includes a column for each of the attributes of that entity set plus a column for each attribute of the primary key of the higher-level entity set
If the generalisation is disjoint and complete—that is, if no entity is a member of two lower-level entity sets directly below a higher-level entity set, and if every entity in the higher level entity set is also a member of one of the lower-level entity sets. Here, do not create a table for the higher-level entity set
Instead, for each lower-level entity set, create a table that includes a column for each of the attributes of that entity set plus a column for each attribute of the higher-level entity sets
If the second method were used for an overlapping generalisation, some values would be stored twice unnecessarily
Similarly, if the generalisation were not complete, if some accounts were neither savings nor current accounts, then such accounts could not be represented with the second method
Table of the relationship set is made
Attributes includes primary keys of entity set and aggregation set’s entities
Also, add descriptive attribute if any on the relationship