Base => Only one Signal can travel at a time, Opposite of this is Broadband
T => Attenuation (Signal becomes weak) after 100 meter
Used in Ethernet LAN (Less than 10 Km)
Connectors Eg => UTP, STP, BNC, MGRT
Co-axial cable
100 Base 2 => Attenuation after 200 meter
Fibre Optic
Light signal instead of ELectrical signal
100 Base Fx => Attenuation after 2 Km
Radio Waves
Radio waves are used for multicast communications, such as radio and television, and paging systems. They can penetrate through walls. Highly regulated. Use omni directional antennas
Microwaves are used for unicast communication such as cellular telephones, satellite networks, and wireless LANs. Higher frequency ranges cannot penetrate walls. Use directional antennas - point to point line of sight communications
Infrared signals can be used for short-range communication in a closed area using line-of-sight propagation
Regenerates the Signal strength to its original strength
2 Port Device => Connected by 2 points
Forwarding => Forward the signal from one point to next
No Filtering => Can't stop Signal
Collision Domain = n => Does not stores value
High Traffic
Multi-port Repeater
No Filtering
Collision Domain = n
High Traffic
Hardware + Software
Bridges (Physical & Data Link Layer)
Used to connect 2 different LAN
Structure => Source | Destination > Mac | Mac
Collision Domain = 0 => No collision, as it Stores & Forward, have Buffer
Bridge data unit protocol => Creates a Spanning tree to remove Loops
Each MAC address is given 1 of 2 values (P1 & P2) indicating which side it is Manually
If interface changes then all values have to be manually typed again
Bridge will make values dynamically, at start it will learn position
From 2nd time it can Filter
Switches (Physical & Data Link Layer)
Multi-port Bridge
Full Duplex Links => Signal can go & come at the same time
Traffic is Minimal
Collision Domain = 0
Routers (Physical & Data Link & Network Layer)
Used to connect 2 devices
Uses Routing Table
Uses Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) request to get MAC address from IP Address
RIP Protocol
Distance Vector Routing Protocol
Flooding => Sending Signal in every direction
No Collision => Uses Store & Forward method
Monitors and controls incoming and outgoing traffic based on predefined rules
Packet filtering firewall
Check IP/TCP header
Works on Network and Transport layer
Can block IP addresses or a Service
Application (Proxy) firewall
Works in layer 5
Devices capable of communicating in several standards