SQL (Structured Query Language) is a standard language for data operations that allows you to ask questions and get insights from structured datasets
Databases and Tables
An example of unstructured data would be an image file. Unstructured data is inoperable with SQL and cannot be stored in BigQuery datasets or tables (at least natively.)
Exploring the BigQuery Console
The BigQuery paradigm
BigQuery is a fully-managed petabyte-scale data warehouse that runs on the Google Cloud
Project > Database/Dataset > Tables
Navigation menu > BigQuery
Uploading queryable data
ADD DATA link > Explore public datasets
Working with Cloud SQL
Exporting queries as CSV files
There are two formats of data accepted by Cloud SQL: dump files (.sql) or CSV files (.csv)
SAVE RESULTS > CSV(local file)
Upload CSV files to Cloud Storage
Navigation menu > Cloud Storage > Browser > CREATE BUCKET
Create a Cloud SQL instance
Navigation menu > SQL > CREATE INSTANCE > MySQL
New Queries in Cloud SQL
gcloud sql connect qwiklabs-demo --user=root -=> To connect to your SQL instance