<tagName style="property: value;">
=> Inline<style> tag {property: value;} </style>
=> ExternaltagName {property: value;}
=> Internal :root {
--variableName: val;
property: var(--variableName);
=> Applied like this!important
=> Priority highest if used this keyword<p>
& <h4>
* {
box-sizing: border-box;
outline: 1px solid limegreen !important;
<!-- OR -->
background: rgb(0 100 0 / 0.05) !important;
@layer layerName {}
=> Define a layer@layer layerName1, layerName2;
=> Define specificity of layers at the top of .css file@import url("frameworkURL") layer(layerName);
=> Import a external stylesheet into a layer!important
defined in the first layer has the most specificity