Box Model - C S S
margin: Npx;
margin: Npx Npx;
margin: Npx auto;
=> Horizontally align center
margin: Npx Npx Npx Npx;
margin-bottom: Npx;
margin-top: Npx;
margin-inline: auto;
margin-block: auto;
padding: Npx;
height: 50%;
width: 50%;
width: min(N% - Nrem, 50rem);
inline-size: N%
=> Logical property for width
max-width: 300px;
aspect-ratio: 1 / 1;
object-fit: cover;
outline: Npx solid black;
- Filter
filter: drop-shadow(Npx Npx Npx black);
=> Gives single shadow to the entire element
filter: grayscale(N%);
filter: blur(1rem);
filter: invert(N%);
background: color imageURL repeat attachment position;
background: url("") no-repeat center center/cover;
background: linear-gradient(to top left, #ffffff, #ffffff);
background-color: black;
backgroung-image: url("");
=> Put background color before image just in case image does not load
backgroung-repeat: no-repeat/repeat-x/repeat-y;
backgroung-size: cover;
backgroung-position: xAlignValue yAlignValue;
backgroung-attachment: scroll/float/local;
backgroung-blend-mode: multiply/lighten;
=> Blending background color with image, Multiply chooses dark colors, Lighten chooses light colors
backdrop-filter: blur(Npx);
outline: none;
overflow: none/auto;
overscroll-behavior-inline: contain;
=> Will not drag the screen at the end
scroll-snap-type: inline/x/y mandatory/proximity
=> Snap when scrolling, Works only with scroll-snap-align
scroll-snap-align: start/end/middle
=> This is applied on children
scroll-padding-inline: value
border: Npx solid black;
border: border-width border-style border-color;
border-radius: Npx;
=> Add curvature to the edges, Shorthand property
border-radius: Npx Npx Npx Npx;
=> Top-left, Top-right, Bottom-left, Bottom-right
border-radius: Npx Npx Npx Npx/ Npx Npx Npx Npx;
border-top-left-radius: Npx;
=> Add curvature to top left edge
border-top-left-radius: Npx Npx;
=> Add curvature to top left edge joining Npx to Npx
border-radius: 50%;
=> To create a circle
border-radius: 100vmax;
=> To create perfect curve at all edges for all sizes
- Generate Custom Shapes
border-collapse: collapse/separate;
=> Remove gap between lines of border
box-shadow: inset x-ofset y-ofset blurRadius spreadRadius color;
box-shadow: Npx Npx Npx black;