Linked List - C P P
- Dynamic Liner data structure made by collection of Nodes
- Node
- Data & Next Node Address
- Last Node points to NULL
- Head pointer points to 1st Node
- Tail pointer points to last Node => Optional
- Insert/Delete/Traverse Node
- At Head/Start
- At Tail/End
- In Middle
- Types
- Singly
#include <forward_list>
=> Header to include
forward_list<dataType> variable
=> Declare
variable.assign({ value1, value2, value3 });
=> Assigning values
variable.assign(value1, value2);
=> Assign value2 elements, value1 number of times
- Doubly
#include <list>
=> Header to include
list<dataType> variable
=> Declare a list
list<dataType> var1(variable)
=> Initialize a list by copying another list
list<dataType> variable(n1, n2)
=> Initialize a list with "n1" elements by "n2" value
=> Insert element in the front
=> Insert element in the back
=> Deletes the element that the iterator points to
=> Remove element from the front
=> Remove element from the back
=> Returns size of list
- Circular
- Circular Doubly