Heap is a Complete Binary Tree that comes with a heap order property
Implemented using Array
Deletion means deleting root node
MaxHeap => Node greater than its child nodes
MinHeap => Node less than its child nodes
Tricks (for 1 based indexing)
node = i, parent = i/2
left child = 2*i + 1, right child = 2i + 2
Leaf Nodes from (i/2 + 1) to i index
Heapify Algorithm
Time Complexity = O(logn)
Building a Heap takes O(n)
STL Commands
#include <queue> => Header to include
priority_queue<int> variable => Max heap by default
priority_queue<int, vector<int>, greater<int>> variable => Min heap
priority_queue<ClassName, vector<ClassName>> ClassName1 => User-defined Heap, Third argument is a class that has a function named operator having return type bool for comparing values
variable.push(value) => Insert element
variable.pop() => Remove top element
variable.top() => Returns minimum/maximum element according to min/max heap declared