Encoding Techniques => Used to represent categorical data in a numerical format that can be used as input for training
One-Hot Encoding
Label Encoding
Binary Encoding
Manual Encoding
Import libraries and Datasets
Data Exploration and Analysis
Remove Null Values
Data Preprocessing
Data Encoding
Data Splitting
Build Model => Regression, Classification
Initialize => Sequential
Add layers => Dense
Optimizer, Loss function
Compile & Train model
Test & Compare model
Feed Forward Neural Network (FNN)
Input Layer > Hidden Layer > Output Layer
Accuracy increases with increase in Hidden layer
Heaviside step activation function is generally used in Output Layer
Considers only current input state, Memory is not used
No loop is formed, Data only moves forward
Can not deal with sequential data
Back Propagation Algorithm (Backward Propagation of Error)
Goal is to reach target value
Reduce the error factor
Feedback Network
Allows loop & feedback
Recurrent/Recursive network
Very complex to implement
Sentiment analysis
Text Preprocessing
Remove the special characters
Convert entire text to upper or lower case
Split the data
Remove stopwords
Stemming / Lematization
Join the words
Convert text to number
Build Model
Convolution Neural Network (CNN)
Accepts input in form of image
Deep Learning algorithm that can take in an input image, assign importance (learnable weights and biases) to various aspects/objects in the image, and be able to differentiate one from the other
Convolution => Learn to extract local patterns and features from the input data
Kernal/Filters > Feature Map
Pooling => Partition the input into non-overlapping regions and keep only the maximum value from each region
Flattening => Convert multi-dimensional input data into a one-dimensional vector
Fully Connected Layer (Dense layer) => Applies a linear transformation to the input followed by a non-linear activation function
Import libraries and Datasets
Data Augmentation => ImageDataGenerator
Data Preprocessing
Build Model => Regression, Classification
Initialize => Sequential
Add layers => Dense, Convolutional
Compile & Train
Test & Compare model & Predict
Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)
Memory is used that stores past input states, Considers previous state
Output of Hidden layer serves as the input for next timestep (Xi)
Initial hidden state (ho) is considered equal to "0" given as input along with Current input state (X1) to generate current hidden state (h1) which used to generate output (Yi)
h1 is given as input to next step as previous hidden step