Introduction - Artificial Intelligence
- Classification
- Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning => Supervised, Unsupervised, Reinforcement => Classification, Regression
- Deep Learning => Artificial Neural Network => CNN, RNN (LSTM), Transformers, AutoEncorders
- Computer Vision => Image Processing
- Data Science => Big Data, IOT
- Human Computer Interaction => Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Telepresence, Robotics
- Use Cases
- Face Recognition, Real-time Translation, Forecasting, DeepFake
- John McCarthy - 1956
- Machine to mimic human behavior
- Machines
- Reasoning
- Coming to logical conclusions
- Learning
- Improving from experiences
- Problem Solving
- Searching all possible outcomes to solve a problem
- Perception
- State Space Search
- Number of states in which problem can go
- Representation
- S: {S, A, Action (S), Result (S, a), Cost (S, a)}
- S = Total number of states
- Start, Goal and Intermediate States
- A = Set of possible actions
- Action (S) = Action done to reach new state (Searching for Goal state)
- Result (S, a) = New state obtained after performing an action
- Cost (S, a) = Cost of performing an action
- Types of Search
- Uninformed (Blind)
- Searching without information => Brute force method
- Time consuming => Exponential Growth => Non Polynomial (NP) problem
- Time Complexity = O(Branching FactorDepth)
- Always gives Optimal solution
- Informed
- Searching with information (Heuristic)
- Quick Solution
- Less Complexity => Both Time & Space
- Knowledge Representation
- If not applied, can lead to Errors
- Theory
- Logic
- Propositional Logic
- Predicate Logic
- Rules
- Semantic Net (Meaning Graph)
- Frames
- Slots (Objects)
- Filters (Attributes)
- Script
- Reasoning
- Agents/Intelligent Agents
- Agent > Percept > Decision > Actions
- Fuzzy Logic
- Basic
- Lotfi Zadeh is the father of fuzzy logic
- It is a superset of Boolean logic
- Represent uncertainty (Continuous, not discrete)
- Represent with degree
- Represent the belonging of a member of a crisp set to fuzzy set
- Membership Function
- Membership Value => Between 0 and 1
- Operations
- Fuzzy Sets
- Fuzzy Sets
- Planning
- Overview
- Hierarchical
- Goal Stack
- Multi-agent System
- Problems
- Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)
- 8-Puzzle Problem
- N-Queen Problem