Number System - Aptitude
- Basic
- (xn+an) is divisible by (x+a) ∀ odd values of n
- Dividend = (Divisor x Quotient) + Remainder
- Category of Numbers
- Natural Number
- Whole Number
- Integer
- -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...
- Even Number
- Odd Number
- Prime Number
- Composite Number
- Perfect Number
- Co-prime Number
- Rational Number
- Irrational Number
- Divisibility Test
- 2
- Unit digit is one among the following 0, 2, 4, 6, 8
- 3
- Sum of digits is divisible by 3
- 4
- Last 2 digits taken together is divisible by 4
- 5
- 6
- Number is divisible by 2 and 3
- 7
- Difference between twice the unit digit and remaining part is 0 or multiple of 7
- 8
- Last 3 digits taken together is divisible by 8
- 9
- Sum of digits is divisible by 9
- 10
- 11
- Subtraction of (odd - even) digits is 0 or divisible by 11
- 12
- Number is divisible by 3 and 4
- 16
- Last 4 digits taken together is divisible by 16
- 18
- Number is divisible by 2 and 9
- 25
- Last 2 digits is 00 or 25
- Question types
- Find if the given number (P) is prime
- Find smallest value of N using condition N2 ≥ P
- List all the prime numbers till N
- If P is not divisible by any of these numbers then P is also prime
- Find value of "x" in given number if it is divisible by N
- Find value of "x" & "y" in given number if it is divisible by N1 & N2
- Find remainder if xy is divided by N
- (xn-an) is divisible by (x-a) ∀ n
- Find remainder if (xz - yz) is divided by N
- (xn-an) is divisible by (x+a) ∀ even values of n
- Find remainder with Factorials
- Remainder after a certain number will become zero, calculate for the remaining
- When a certain number is divided by "N" product consists of only "M", Find minimum number of "M" in product
- Divide "N" by "M" till remainder is 0 by taking "M" as carry whenever required
- Find greatest/smallest number of "N" digits which is exactly divisible by "M"
- Take the greatest/smallest "N" digits number and divide it by "M", Substract/Add the remainder/(M-remainder) to get the result